Friday, November 16, 2012

How To Wash Your Hands: A Demo by Lilah

Lilah was chosen to be the poster child for washing hands in the Buttercup room.  Below is a series of pictures of Lilah demonstrating how she washes her hands.

Step 1: Turn on the Water

Step 2: Place your hands under the running water

Step 3: Next, it is time for some soap

Step 4: Lather up the soap

Step 5: Rinse

Step 6: Dry your hands

Step 7: Throw the towel on the faucet ???

Step 8: Throw the towel away in the trash
(Sorry this picture is turned the wrong way. Can't figure out how to fix it)

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I've nominated you for an award! Check it out at my blog, :)
