Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Sweet, sweet picture of Ms. Lakeitra with Lilah and the newest addition (Lilah's BFF) to the Tiny Tulips, Mary after school.

Lilah Update:
Last week, Lilah's teachers told me that she had been refusing the purees that I sent with her for breakfast and lunch. So, on Monday--I thought I would try some store bought food to see if she liked that better than my cooking! :) Well, turns out...she didn't want that either. Since I told the teachers that she has really been liking table food, they decided to let her try what all the big kids were having--spaghetti. And, from what I heard--this girl went to town and loved it! So--from here on out, Lilah will be eating from the school's breakfast and lunch menu. Today's lunch consists of spinach quiche. With a nutritionist preparing all the meals at the school, baby girl will be eating so well!

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