Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Parent Teacher Conference

Last week, Jep and I had the extreme pleasure of meeting with Lilah's sweet teachers for her Parent/Teacher conference. It was so neat being able to hear all about our baby girl's progress.
We couldn't be more happier with her teachers and the school. It makes being a working mommy so much easier knowing that she is in such a wonderful center.

Of course, we already know she is a shining star but it really is fun hearing what she is doing when she is away from home.

Here is what her teachers wrote about her:

Child's strengths in social-emotional, physical, language, and cognitive development:
  • Social-emotional: Lilah looks at adult when they speak in a soothing voice. She cries to show discomfort, hunger, or tiredness. She raises her arms while being lifted out of buggy. She responds to teacher during care-giving routines.
  • Physical: Lilah crawls and moves from crawling to sitting and back again. She sits and plays with/reaches for toys without falling. She grasps objects with two hands. Lilah picks up food with fingers and puts in her mouth.
  • Language: Lilah responds to her name. She can recognize a familiar voice. She can wave bye-bye. She waves hands in front of her face to push away spoon during feeding. She says M-m-m and D-d-d
  • Cognitive: Lilah watches a teacher walk across the room. She shakes a rattle to hear noise. She turns in direction of sound.
Child's strengths in learning literacy, math, science and technology, social studies:
Lilah enjoys music and books. She loves being read to. She explores the books trying to open them. Lilah also likes to watch her teachers sing and dance-she laughs when she sees it.

Plan for this child's development and learning:
We will continue to work on Lilah's social-emotional, cognitive, language and physical development. We will work with her trying to and learning how to walk.

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to get my son into a daycare center right now to help with his speech & social developement. I really think "school" is so good or them.
    Glad to hear Lilah is doing so well. You all must be super proud :)
