Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Maybe She's Born With It...

While I was catching up on the phone with my BFF Megan, in another room, Lilah was under her Papa's "watchful eye."  In the midst of our conversation, I had to run out to the kitchen and I found Lilah like this!

She had gotten not only into the diaper bag but, she found (and dumped out!) my makeup case.  That little sneaky one also managed to take off the caps of all of my lipsticks. Thankfully, all of them were twisted all the way to the bottom so she wasn't able to make too much of mess.  Oh, girl!!! You are only 10 months old and already getting into mama's makeup....we're gonna be in trouble! :)

This picture is one of my favorites becuase it looks like she knows exactly how to apply her lipstick!

1 comment:

  1. Ha Ha- Looks like you have a girlie girl on your hands :)
